1.Luther's beliefs brought him into direct conflict with the Church over the question of how people could be pardoned for sins.
2.In contrast, Asians often do not direct conflict, but rather gently through a relatively high status of a third party to clear.
3.We've been taught that changing for the sake of another person is in direct conflict to the preservation of our own identities.
4.In direct conflict with the above tip -- it can nevertheless be useful to ask yourself, "What's the very worst that could happen? "
5.It was only at this secondary stage that the struggle become a direct conflict between patricians and plebeians.
6.That put the idea of using material incentives to muster enthusiasm among inpidual workers in direct conflict with dominant ideology.
7.It brings China into direct conflict with the claims of five neighbours, and challenges the US Navy's dominance of the waters.
8.Even with the backing of Soviet Union, Vietnam had to abstain from direct conflict with China.
9.But the actual practise by some government departments and employers are in direct conflict with the laws.
10.For years, relevance has been the rallying cry for Internet companies, but that good often comes into direct conflict with privacy.